Saturday, August 16, 2008

Work, Study, Work, Study...:P NSFW

So. these last couple days, I have just drained myself... my brain feels like a sponge absorbing every bit of Japan knowledge that it can, I've been reading books about Japanese language, and communication. On top of that working about 12 hour days on the weekends, not to mention the hours that I get on the weekdays.:P Nice for the paycheck so I can get more figma and books though.:P Sorry if this post goes completely random...

And this, is a doll which I would love to own, right here.:D Lifesize... me wants!:P Wonder how much something like this costs?

OMG, It's Haruhi and Yuki!:D I just found this picture on my husbands computer, I love it!:D Those panties are so cool... erm... yeah... Wish I knew where I could get figures like this...
Anyway... yeah... Okay... time for me to get some sleep... but one last picture...

And this Haruhi figure I would give just about anything to own right now!:D For some reason every time I see pictures of this figure it makes me want it even more... Must become a multi-millionaire!:P
Anyway, that's all for now!:D

1 comment:

ClearTranquil said...

I agree on the Haruhi stuff. I'd really like to own those. ^^