Monday, October 27, 2008

Will be posting again soon...

Sorry for the delay in blogging... Crazy work schedule lately is making me insane... And sorry if these pictures are completely random, just thought you might enjoy some humor a bit.:P
Will post a better post hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday when I have more time... for now enjoy the randomness of pictures here.:D
Len-Vesper, Miku pics are for you btw!:D Thought you might enjoy them! That is if you haven't already gotten them!:P
Alright, until laters everyone!:D...


hikky said...

I have to *right-click-save* nicu Miku pics before Len-Vesper gets them ehehe
LOL @ the last pic. Huh?^^

So, your RL is interefering with your blog too?

ClearTranquil said...

I feel you here. I was too busy to blog for a full 10 days. Now I've seemed to have something to post everyday.

Anonymous said...

I like the first Miku pic and the Yoko pic (although I don't really get it :P)

Anonymous said...

Hilarious Yoko pic.

Riiana Doon said...

I had a feeling a lot of you would like the random Yoko pic!:P
@hikky~ You are just too adorable!:D
I can't believe Len-Vesper will be moving to Japan in the next year, Persocom-san just told me, then again after a trip like he had I could see why he would.:D:P
@acesan~ Look at the picture closely and the confusion on her face, it's like she is a virgin or something.:P